Appointed by Governor to 5-year terms: Charles R. Bailey, Jr.; Madison Jim Bunting, Jr.; Kelton L. Clark, Ph.D.; Robert J. Etgen; Erik N. Fisher; Brian Hammock, Esq.; Richard H. Hutchison; Patricia A. Langenfelder; Robert J. Mitchell; James L. Rapp; Robert W. Sheesley; Robin Truiett-Theodorson; Frederick L. Tutman.
Appointed by Senate President: David R. Brinkley; Paul G. Pinsky.
Appointed by House Speaker: Stephen W. Lafferty; Maggie McIntosh.
Designated by Maryland Association of Counties: Kathleen A. Freeman; Christopher J. Trumbauer.
Designated by Maryland Municipal League: Joseph Adkins; David E. Carey.
Designated by Center for Agro-Ecology: Russel B. Brinsfield, Ph.D.
Ex officio: Earl F. Hance, Secretary of Agriculture; Robert M. Summers, Ph.D., Secretary of the Environment; John R. Griffin, Secretary of Natural Resources; Richard E. Hall, Secretary of Planning; Margaret G. McHale, Esq., Chair, Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays; Jon M. Laria, Esq., Chair, Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission.
Staff: Heather W. Barthel; Jason Dubow.
c/o Office of Legislation & Policy, Dept. of the Environment
Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 537-3056
c/o Planning Services, Dept. of Planning
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2365
(410) 767-3370
The Task Force on Sustainable Growth and Wastewater Disposal was authorized on April 18, 2011 (Executive Order 01.01.2011.05). The Task Force will review and study such issues as what impact septic systems and shared community systems have on water quality and land use patterns and whether they constitute any barriers to smart growth. Further, the Task Force will consider if existing growth areas that have central sewage systems will be able to accommodate projected growth in terms of development capacity, increased flow to wastewater treatment plants, and funding for system upgrades.
The Task Force will weigh the benefits of septic systems versus central sewerage for handling future growth; examine local practices for managing large lot residential developments built on formerly rural land that use septic systems; and also study current policies and practices for connecting failed septic systems to wastewater treatment plants. The smart growth, environmental, and fiscal implications of all options will be evaluated. Finally, the Task Force will recommend statutory and regulatory changes to maintain Maryland's commitment to reducing nutrients and improving water quality in the Chesapeake Bay while accommodating the sewage needs of new developments.
Before December 2011, the Task Force will meet jointly at least twice with the Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission.
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