Appointed by House Speaker:
Kumar P. Barve
Norman H. Conway
Sheila E. Hixson
Marvin E. Holmes, Jr.
Maggie McIntosh
Anthony J. O'Donnell
Justin D. Ross
Steven R. Schuh
Staff: Erika S. Schissler
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5510, (301) 970-5510
In July 2009, the Joint Legislative Work Group to Study State, County and Municipal Fiscal Relationships was convened by the Senate President and House Speaker. The Work Group is to recommend ways to secure a more fair, efficient and sustainable financial relationship among the State, county and municipal governments of Maryland.
Among other considerations, the Work Group will trace the evolution and current distribution of governmental responsibilities to units of government, including State assumption or delegation of responsibilities. It also will determine the evolution and current State funding and assistance provided to counties and municipalities. The Work Group is to compare the major forms of State assistance to local governments with what assistance other states provide their local governments. It will analyze the fiscal capacity, expenditures, and employment in all levels of government, and note variations among counties and municipalities and across major policies and programs. Certain types of municipalities will be compared with special taxing districts to deterimine which best serves residents. Finally, the Work Group will consider how spending, tax and revenue limitations affect the system of State, county and municipal finance.
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